A Touching Story: A Kind-Hearted Guy Saves a Malnourished and Flea-Ridden Canine Found on the Highway

I want to share with you the story of Dharma and how it broke my heart. It all started when a compassionate man discovered a tiny puppy lying on the side of the road. This poor creature was unable to move, looked malnourished, was incredibly weak, and had fleas and grime all over its body.

RRSA India came to the rescue of a little puppy named Dharma that had gone through severe suffering and lost all hope. The puppy’s fur was covered in dirt and fleas, but thankfully no fractures were detected after being taken to the vet. Unfortunately, Dharma had an abnormality in one of his limbs, making it impossible for him to walk normally. He had to drag himself from one place to another due to various factors, such as trauma, accidents, and heredity. It was evident that Dharma needed long-term care to recover. The poor pup had to stay in the hospital for medical attention and constantly cried out in pain. Despite his initial fear of water, he gradually became accustomed to it.

The sandy and dirty appearance of the dog didn’t diminish his adorable nature, which warranted love and care. In contrast, Dharma managed to stand strong despite experiencing pain and undergoing initial medical treatment. Nevertheless, he required assistance with nourishment upon reaching the shelter.

As part of his rehabilitation process, Dharma was prescribed with daily supplements and medication. Despite the obstacles he faced, he demonstrated admirable bravery during his treatment. It took a few weeks before he became capable of standing on his own, but he was grateful to be in a serene environment. Even though he was still unable to walk, Dharma received therapy every day and gradually showed improvement.

Thanks to the availability of effective medication, caring foster care, and the encouragement of numerous supporters, he felt increasingly confident and physically fit with each passing day.

We want to express our deepest appreciation to everyone who helped keep him safe and happy, securing a bright and prosperous future for him.

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