A Canine Rescued: From a Short Chain to Safety

It was a truly heartbreaking sight when a severely malnourished dog could no longer stand due to exhaustion. She desperately tried to find some comfort on a heap of rags, but a tight chain around her neck prevented her from doing so, causing her head to droop aimlessly.

Cala, a mistreated pooch, was employed as a watchdog by a mechanic residing in San Jose, Costa Rica. Unfortunately, her presumed caretaker was negligent in providing her with adequate nourishment and did not seek medical attention when she fell ill. As a result, Cala’s health deteriorated gradually, and it became a struggle for her to keep her head up and take each breath. With her time running out, sympathetic neighbors intervened by reporting the matter to the local authorities and reaching out to Territorio de Zaguates, a renowned sanctuary devoted to the welfare of numerous canines.

Lya Battle, the mastermind behind Territorio de Zaguates, was filled with sadness and anger upon seeing Cala’s terrible state. When she first saw a picture of the poor dog, she felt that Cala had lost all her dignity and was ready to give up on life. It was as if Cala’s spirit had been crushed, and she was merely waiting for the end to come. Cala’s condition was a never-ending nightmare, and it broke Battle’s heart. Upon seeing Cala’s sad situation, the police and sanctuary staff quickly took her away from her abuser’s property. The veterinarian treated Cala’s malnutrition and chain wounds. Cala was then taken to Territorio de Zaguates, where she began her journey to recovery both physically and mentally.

Cala went through tough treatment to heal her injuries, particularly the cut caused by being chained to a metal collar for so long. It was painful, but Cala learned that enduring hardship led to love and positive outcomes, so she kept going throughout her recovery. At first, Cala was cautious around other dogs in the facility, leading Battle to assume she had never interacted with them or viewed them as competition. However, as Cala spent more time with her furry peers and the caring humans around her, she began to trust and open up.

According to Battle, Cala’s transformation was remarkable. She went from being a weak and depressed animal to a stronger one who was willing to stand up for herself. Over time, her personality continued to develop, and she even incorporated playfulness into her daily routine. Although she was initially scared of humans, she eventually learned to trust them and seek attention from them. Unfortunately, Cala’s challenges didn’t end there. In June, some cruel individuals infiltrated the sanctuary and left poisoned sausages, which killed 16 dogs. Despite accidentally consuming one of these sausages, Cala remarkably survived.

According to Battle, Cala was discovered alive, and her survival could be attributed to her size or the small amount of food she had consumed. Despite being rescued from a life of neglect, abuse, starvation, and disease, Cala battled neurological disorders but managed to recover. Battle believes that coincidence does not exist, and Cala’s unbreakable spirit is proof of that. Humans returned to inflict pain on her, but Cala persevered and proved that life was worth living. While other dogs were lost at the sanctuary, Cala’s remarkable survival showcased her tenacity.

Cala is presently under the care of a foster family who have been showering her with love and attention, something she has never experienced before. Despite her past of being abused, mistreated, and locked up, she is gradually leaving behind those painful memories and embracing her playful side. Her foster mother is delighted to see Cala’s progress and welcomes her mischievous behavior. According to Battle, she has become joyful, resilient, determined, stubborn, and indulged by her foster family, just like puppies in their playful phase.

After devoting her life to saving dogs, Battle finds Cala’s story to be truly motivating. It tells a gripping story of good versus evil, where love ultimately prevails. The rescue is an uplifting reminder to persevere through difficult times and never give up. Battle feels encouraged to continue fighting the good fight for a little longer.

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